持続可能な石川県の未来を目指し、SDG ‘s にも取り組んでいます。 人にも環境にも優しい、 「たもん」を代表する米粉のパンケーキは、 循環型環境農法で作られた石川県のお米を使用。 通常破棄されてしまう規格外のサイズのお米も自家製粉することで、 無駄にすることなく、 美味しいパンケーキに生まれ変わりました。
より新鮮に、より安全な美味しさをご提供すると共に、お客様に石川県の食文化にも 触 れ て い ただくため、地産地消にもこだわっています。「 た も ん 」の パ ン ケ ー キ で 使 う 米 粉 、食 材 な ど の 多 く は 地 元・石 川 県 で 作 ら れ た品々。お子様からお年寄りまで、安心安全に召し上がっ ていただけるメニューです。
ほんのひと時、日常を離れた空間で美味しさをご堪能いただけるよう、 「たもん」は香りに もこだわり、五感に響くおもてなしをしています。 お店の入口では、香料を使用していない “白 檀” の 自 然 の 香 り で お 出 迎 え。 お し ぼ り は、「た も ん」オ リ ジ ナ ル の 柚 子 の ア ロ マ で 寛 ぎの時をお届けしています。
For a sustainable future in Ishikawa Prefecture, we, too, are tackling the SDGs. Tamon's signature rice-flour pancakes, which are both people-friendly and eco-friendly, are made from rice grown in Ishikawa using recycling-oriented environmental farming methods. The rice flour is made from rice grown in Ishikawa Prefecture using recycling-oriented environmental farming methods, and by milling the off-spec rice that would normally be discarded, we are able to serve it fresh and carefully without wasting it.
from Ishikawa Prefecture On top of providing fresher and safer food, we also focus on local production for local consumption so that our customers can experience Ishikawa's food culture. Most of the rice flour, ingredients, and sweet seasonings used in Tamon pancakes are all locally produced in Ishikawa. Our selection can be enjoyed safely and with peace of mind by everyone from children to the elderly.
For you to enjoy the taste in a getaway space from your daily lives for just a moment, Tamon is also committed to the aroma and offers hospitality for the senses. At the entrance, you will be greeted by the natural, unscented aroma of sandalwood. The aroma of Tamon's original Ishikawa yuzu is used in the hot towel to bring you relaxation.
The "Toshitsune's Sake Well" at Utasu Shrine, located in front of Tamon's store, has been cherished by successive feudal lords since around Keicho 4, when Utasu Shrine (now Utasu Shrine) was founded. The water is said to have healed him of his illness. At Tamon, we use water from a well derived from the sacred water of "Lord Toshitsune's Sake Well," which has been cherished in the area since ancient times.
Cafe たもん